Monday, January 17, 2011

Jack’s Blocks

*Edited to add:  Jack's Blocks is now available as a pattern here in my shop!**

Jack's Blocks quilt pattern from A Bright Corner

My little nephew Jack gets this one.  The top is done, the back will be done tomorrow afternoon.  At first I wasn’t sure how this one was going to turn out, but I love, love, love it.  I might not be able to part with it.

Jack's Blocks quilt pattern from A Bright Corner

*Edited to add:  Jack's Blocks is now available as a pattern here in my shop!**

I didn’t have a pattern for this quilt – I just played in Illustrator for a bit and came up with a sketch to follow as I pieced.  If you turn the sketch 90 degrees clockwise, you can see how the sketch matches up with the finished top.  I didn’t follow my plan exactly – there were a few adjustments made – but for the most part it’s the same.

Jack's Blocks quilt pattern from A Bright Corner


  1. Jack says it looks like a maze. I hope to never find black crayon lines all through the white parts. I love it!


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