Monday, October 4, 2010

Lincoln’s Wheels

When I first spotted this line of fabric (from Riley Blake) I fell in love. I wanted to find a reason to sew something with it, so I was delighted when my sister chose these fabrics for her new baby’s nursery. I quickly volunteered to make a quilt for my new nephew.
Earlier this Spring I saw a quilt made from fake hexagons (I really wish I could remember where I spotted it!) and wanted to try it out. Since finishing this quilt I’ve had a lot of questions about how it was assembled, so I’ve written a tutorial for fakie-hexagons (I’ll post it tomorrow).
{edited to add link to tutorial}

The finished quilt size is 45” x 58”. Most of the fabrics in the quilt come from the Wheels line; I think the only exception is the solid green fabric that I added.

The back is pieced using more of the solid green, bits leftover from the hexagons, and a piece of that great cars fabric. This quilt just screams “boy” to me!

I'm linking this up to Sew & Tell Fridays over at amylouwho. I love visiting each Friday to see what others around the sewing universe have completed each week.


  1. It looks amazing. I love it!!

  2. I love how this turned out! I have made 3 baby quilts from this line, and am still not sick of it. It is such fun and inspiring fabric to work with! Your use of it is fantastic. Way to go!

  3. so pretty.

    you can find more here:

  4. I love this line of fabric too. Thanks for the tutorial. Your quilt looks great. Riley Blake also has another boy line that I've been eying called Hooty Hoot.

  5. i love this so much. what a great boy quilt and the pattern is so great.

  6. I, too, LOVE this fabric. Your quilt turned out awesome!!

  7. Such a fun boys quilt and I bet those fabrics were fun to work with!

  8. This is totally adorable and ALL boy!! I love boy quilts.

  9. Oh gosh, I love those fabrics...! Your finished quilt looks amazing!

  10. thanks for the link to the pattern instructions! Your quilt came out so wonderful!!

  11. Oh my goodness! My boys would go crazy over this! I've added yet another thing to my to-sew list!!!! Thank you!!!

  12. I love, love this quilt! The fabric is perfect for little boys and the colors are some of my favorites. Thank you for sharing the tutorial, too.

  13. Great Job -- The backing used is as cute as the front!

  14. This line is perfect for a boy! I'll have to share your page with a SIS whose son looves trucks!

    Your hexagons are great! Such a great method!

  15. I can see why you love the fabric. It's great and the quilt is fantastic!

  16. It is a great quilt for your new nephew. Very cute.

  17. I have been back and forth over blogs for a couple months looking for a quilt to make for my grandson due in Dec. and this is the winner. if this fabric is still available.I am also new to sewing so I hope I won't be biting off more then I can chew with this one.....because its perfect in every I hope there is step by step directions. i just found your blog tonight and am so Thankful for the inspiration, your work is....WOW


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