
Monday, December 2, 2013

Thinking of Snowflakes

I’ve been thinking about snowflakes lately.  It doesn’t help that we have a decent sized snow storm headed our way in the next couple of days.  It’s just that I get these ideas in my head and I let them rattle around for a few days as I try to come up with the easiest way to do it. 

This afternoon I pulled out a stack of snowflakeyish (what? That’s not a real word??)  looking fabrics to play with-

lovely wintery fabrics

Out of this stack this one is hands down my favorite:

Dotted swirl fabric from Blend

This is “Dotted Swirl” – a lovely silver metallic print.  It’s from the Hip Holiday line from Blend (designed by Josephine Kimberling).  I’m on the fence about some of the metallic fabrics out there but this one caught my eye immediately.  It just hits the spot I think.  Those silvery swirls are just perfect!  Aaaaaaand I think I should have bought more of it. 

Happy Sewing everyone!

edited to add:  After I had my stack of fabrics pulled I saw Ali’s blog post about this month’s Stash Flash.  Her theme this month is “Winter.”  My stack certainly fits the category doesn’t it?  You can join in the Stash Flash too – she gives you two ways to participate (love the IG option!)  It will be fun to see what everyone’s interpretation of the theme will be!


  1. Would love to go fabric shopping with you! I think we would have lots of fun. Can't wait to see what you make with these pretties.

  2. Love the fabrics and love snowflakes. Can't wait to see what happens next!
