
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Stashing Low Volume Fabrics

 I like to keep a nice variety of low volume fabrics in my stash.  I don’t keep a large stash of them – but just a small cut of many different prints. 

Most of them are 1/4 yard or less, many of them are fat quarters. 

low volume fabric stack

How do I find them?  Oh, here and there.  No really! 

I’ve only purchased one low volume bundle (which IS a great way to gather low vol fabrics!) and the rest were bought a piece at a time as I find them in shops.  Usually as I’m looking for fabric for other projects I’ll take a moment to look through the sale stacks or the bin of fat quarters. 

Buying a low volume stack or bundle is a great way to beef up your LV stash, or start one for that matter.  Amanda from Westwood Acres usually has a few low volume bundles in her shop.  You can also find some here, here and here, and here.

Swapping is also a great way to get a nice variety of fabrics.  I know there have been some low vol swaps in the past – does anyone know of a low volume swap currently taking sign ups?  Maybe we should start one of our own, eh?

stack of low volume fabrics

As far as storing my LV stash goes, I’ve tried two ways.  When I first started really focusing on collecting low volume fabrics I would just add each to the color stack I felt it belonged with – although most of them fell in with the grays and blacks. 

The downside to that is that when I needed to do an entire project that used many low volume prints I had to go through each stack to pull out what I needed.  Ugh!  So after that I just started a new stack on the end of my shelf that was dedicated to just low volume.  That storage method works much better for me. 

low volume charms

So what exactly ARE low volume fabrics and how are they used?  This blog article by Sherri McConnell is a great place to start.

How about some low volume inspiration?  There are so many fantastic quilts and pillows out there that effectively use low vol fabrics.  Here are just some of my favorites!

low volume mosaic

1. Modern Maples Quilt Top Complete!, 2. My low volume version of V&Co's Reverse Hopscotch Quilt, 3. Low Volume Pixelated Heart Baby Quilt, 4. Low volume quilt, 5. Low volume plus quilt, 6. Finished HST Low Volume Quilt (125), 7. FLiQS Quilt Received from Donna, 8. plain spoken low volume quilt, 9. Low Volume Single Girl Quilt, 10. Banderitas, 11. Outer Border Quilting - Marcelle Medallion, 12. Springtime Riot {do. Good Stitches August Quilt}, 13. Friends with Additions Starter Block, 14. mod pop, 15. low volume quilt- full front, 16. Goose Creek for do. Good Stitches


  1. I'm currently hosting a swap for low volume 2.5" x 17" strips over on flickr. Sign ups are open through tomorrow if anyone is interested.

  2. I am interested in a LV swap, love them and would like to have more too!
