
Monday, November 4, 2013

A Little Afternoon Sewing

Remember Saturday?  Yeah, me too.  I have fond memories of Saturday.  Sigh.  It was a gorgeous 70-ish degrees outside, clear blue sky, the sounds of children playing outside…

Yesterday? – snow.  Today? It’s cold.  No children playing outside.

So this afternoon I pulled out some warm and bright scraps to work with.  It helped to cheer me up just a bit.

Sweet pink fabrics

These two blocks were made using this Pineapple Blossom block tutorial

The blocks are for our Imagine at Do. Good Stitches bee and we were asked to make the larger size block.  They were a lot easier than I expected them to be.  And this is a perfect tutorial if you have a lot little bits leftover from jelly rolls.  Which I do. 

quilting bee blocks

This next block was also for our Imagine group.  Heidi created this Starstrip Block tutorial so it will use up extra jelly roll strips - or you could just cut width-of-fabric strips from your stash.  I had to do a bit of both to get a nice group of reds for this block. 

quilting bee block

And now just to prove to you that I am willing to accept that it is Fall and the weather will no longer be “nice”, I have one block made from Fall colors:

star quilt block

This is one of three star blocks that will soon become a new table runner. 

Have a great (and warm) afternoon!


  1. What a way to cheer yourself up! I love that pile of fabric, and the block is gorgeous! :)

  2. Beautiful blocks! The last one is my favorite :)

  3. I love all of your blocks, especially the pineapple blossom ones. Thanks for the link too!
    Julie @ The Crafty Quilter
